











Journal of Engineering, Project, and Production Management, 2017, 7(2), 99-114


Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) Research Trends


Zahra Kahvandi1, Ehsan Saghatforoush2, Mahdi Alinezhad3, and Farimah Noghli4

1MSc Student, Department of Project and Construction Management, Mehralborz Institute of Higher Education, Tehran-Iran. E-mail: z.kahvandi@gmail.com

2Assistant Professor, Department of Project and Construction Management, Mehralborz Institute of Higher Education, Tehran-Iran. E-mail: e.saghatforoush@mehralborz.ac.ir (corresponding author).

3MSc Student, Department of Project and Construction Management, University of Tehran, Tehran-Iran. E-mail: m_alinezhad@ut.ac.ir

4MSc Student, Department of Project and Construction Management, Mehralborz Institute of Higher Education, Tehran -Iran. E-mail: farimah.noghli@gmail.com


Project and Production Management


Received February 10, 2017; received revisions May 1, 2017; June 21, 2017; accepted June 22, 2017


Available online July 11, 2017


Abstract: Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) is introduced as a vibrant approach to enhance project implementation, having particular position in recent studies among construction researchers. This study analyzes the research trends on the field of IPD to provide an appropriate vision for future researchers in this specialized field. While so far no comprehensive research has been done in this field, this study provides a comprehensive review of existing studies through in-depth literature review method. This research evaluates studies conducted in the field of IPD, which is a basis for future researchers to improve conditions of IPD implementation in different countries. For that this study Using library studies, the trend of researches conducted on various concepts and domains during various years, has been investigated. Future studies can simply use the outputs of this research to shape their research flow on establishing continuing progress of IPD. The data obtained from descriptive analyses are illustrated quantitatively, followed by comprehensive analyses and discussion of the results. Moreover, this study concluded that during recent years, the trend of studies conducted about IPD has increased, particularly articles examined challenges. In the next step, more studies have been performed in the field of construction. Those articles are preferred that have evaluated principles, challenges, and solutions for resolving barriers. Proper IPD implementation facilitates enhanced share of information and early identification of stakeholders through a proper timing as vital keys to realize objectives of the construction projects, reduce risks, and increase the chance of project success.


Keywords: Integrated project delivery, trend, implementation, descriptive analysis.

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Citation: Kahvandi, Z., Saghatforoush, E., Alinezhad, M., and Noghli, F. (2017). Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) Research Trends. Journal of Engineering, Project, and Production Management, 7(2), 99-114.

DOI: 10.32738/JEPPM.201707.0006

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